General Farm Maintenance


Troughs/ Waterlines.

Installation, Leak Detection, and Repair:
Our expertise encompasses the installation, leak detection, and repair of water systems. We have a comprehensive understanding of water infrastructure, ensuring efficient and reliable performance.

Modifications of Existing Water Systems:
We specialize in modifying existing water systems, which includes the seamless addition of new troughs. Our experienced team can enhance your current setup to accommodate evolving needs and improve overall functionality.

Preferred Water Line Installation Method:
Our preferred method for laying water lines involves positioning them along fence ways and under gates. This strategic approach not only ensures the proper functioning of the water system but also simplifies leak detection, making maintenance more effective.

Trenching Option Available:
While our preferred method is along fence ways, we are flexible and can trench water lines if required. This adaptability allows us to meet the specific needs and preferences of our clients, ensuring a customized and effective solution for their water system infrastructure.

Tree Work

Quite often over the years during work on rural properties, we have come across felled trees, and dangerous trees along fencelines. We are able to fell problem trees and create burn piles where possible, so you only need to use one supplier, instead of having to involve any additional contractors on site prior to required fencing work.

Earthworks and Property Improvement

  • Vehicle crossing
  • Culvert installation
  • Clearing of fencelines
  • Digouts for retaining walls
  • Farm tracks
  • Shaping of land
  • Planting
  • Tree box construction and installation

Make life easy on the farm by using Fence Force.
